English :
to feel, to palpate, to dabble (the cattle), to pinch, feel with the thumb, as we do to see if a fruit is ripe, we have widened the meaning a little, to mean feel with the fingers
French :
palper, tâter (les bestiaux), pincer, tâter avec le pouce, comme on fait pour voir si un fruit est mûr, on a un peu élargi le sens, pour signifier tâter avec les doigts
Potential conditional (present)
S1. medikehen pe medikahen
S2. medikehes pe medikahes
S3. medikehe pe medikahe
P1. medikehemp pe medikahemp
P2. medikehec'h pe medikahec'h
P3. medikehent pe medikahent
I. medikehed pe medikahed
Unreal conditional (past)
S1. medikezen pe medikazen
S2. medikezes pe medikazes
S3. medikeze pe medikaze
P1. medikezemp pe medikazemp
P2. medikezec'h pe medikazec'h
P3. medikezent pe medikazent
I. medikezed pe medikazed